Safe surgical treatment for the prolapse of the uterus, vagina and bladder restores normal urination and sex life

OPUR is a six-arm mesh implant that is used to restore the pelvic anatomy. Polypropylene mesh holds the bladder like a hammock, as a result, the uterus takes the correct physiological position.

The method was developed by Dr. Emmanuel Delorm - a French scientist, the largest expert in the treatment of urinary incontinence and prolapse of the genital organs in women.

OPUR is used for significant prolapse, when the bladder and uterus have descended to the genital slit and below

The effect is noticeable immediately after surgery. The sensation of a foreign body in the vagina disappears, urination occurs without straining. Over time, wounds and erosion associated with significant prolapse of the genitals heal. The pelvic organs maintain a normal position throughout life.

OPUR is the only option for surgical treatment of prolapse of the uterus and vagina in elderly women

It is related with a significant deterioration of the ligaments, muscles and tissues of the vagina, which are not able to hold the uterus and bladder in a natural position.

The stitch heals quickly and is not visible. The operation takes less than an hour

The grid is installed through a three-centimeter incision on the front wall of the vagina and six punctures, four of which are on the inner side of the thighs, and two - on the side of the gluteal area.

At the end, a catheter is installed to remove urine, a gauze pad is placed that are removed the next day. The patient returns home in two days, her usual physical activity is possible in two weeks.

One to three weeks before the operation, hormone preparations are prescribed, which the patient takes after the operation for a long time, sometimes for life. Female sex hormones improve tissue regeneration and the condition of the mucous membranes of the vagina, bladder and uterus. It also increases muscle tone and psycho-emotional state.

OPUR exceeds alternative treatment options for pelvic organ prolapse

Alternative methods are a substitution with one’s own tissues (colporrhaphy) or a four-arm transvaginal mesh prosthesis.

Colporrhaphy is relatively effective only in young women. Due to the deterioration of the musculoskeletal system and vaginal tissues, surgery is repeated in 4 out of 10 patients.

Four-arm prostheses can provoke erosion of the vagina, as a result, of insufficient tension and uneven melting of the mesh; it is not recommended for combined prolapse (simultaneous omission of the uterus and bladder).

OPUR has no significant drawbacks.

Eight points of fixation and six sleeves reliably straighten and hold the mesh. The method is used at any age of the patient. The risk of re-omission of the pelvic organs is less than two percent.

Cost of OPUR in women with pelvic organ prolapse

We carry out OPUR for Russian citizens free due to high-tech assistance channel. Our doctors will help you fill out the necessary documents. The cost of OPUR surgery through paid medical services, including non-Russian citizens, is around 130 thousands rubles.

In our clinic OPUR is performed by professor Mikhail Enikeev - a follower of Emmanuel Delorm.

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