Peyronie's disease is a gained penile curvature that troubles the sexual intercourse. It's named after François Gigot de la Peyronie , the french surgeon who has described this condition in 1943.

The incidence of peyronie’s disease is pretty low. Mainly, it manifests at the medium and elderly ages. The leading cause of disease is trauma of penis. In the tunica albuginea the scar occurs that can't stretch and leads to painful erection and deformation of penis.

Hereditary causes are not eliminated. Prepossession to  tunica albuginea  scarring is the reason.

Symptoms of  Peyronie's disease

The visualized deformation of erected penis can be observed . On the first stage (instable or acute) pain during sexual intercourse is prevalent.  On the last ( stable or chronic) stage this pain increases. The palpable scare is spotted.  Erection disease can occur.

Screening for Peyronie's disease

To evaluate the severity, the patient is asked to bring 3 photos of penis from different perspectives:

from the point of view (above), from the side, from the anterior position.

After that the patient is provided with US (ultrasound) screening. It helps to check the damaged site. If the erectile dysfunction comes with, the bunch of diagnostic tools is used to find the cause of it.

Treatment for Peyronie's disease

On the first stages the doctor can offer therapeutic treatment with vitamin E, l-carnitine, penthoxiphillin and etc. Many successful cases prove, that this strategy can not only stop the deformation process, but decrease the degree of flexure.

On the last (stable or chronic) stage surgery is provided. Nesbith's opertaion with Shepelev modification can rule out the situation. The form of penis is created with putting on tighten sutures on it's long surface.

If the size of penis is critically low, the surgeon performs corpoplastics or grafting. These techniques are based on the following steps: short surface of penis is dissected, after that the wound is sutured using special synthetic material or a peace of vein, which is taken form the patient lower  limb.

In case of erection presence, causing severe erectile deformation, penile implanting is advised. In the Department of Urology at Sechenov University it is possible to install relatively cheap

Semi-rigid implants or use more expensive inflatable penile prothesis, which fully simulate the functions of penis.

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