According to published studies, fusion-biopsy is the most effective method for determining prostate cancer

Biopsy is a mandatory surgical intervention for suspected prostate cancer. A tissue sample is taken from the “suspicious” focus, which is subjected to a morphological study under a microscope. Thus, the presence of cancer cells is checked and, if it is detected, the stage of the disease is determined in order to choose a treatment strategy.

Fusion surpasses traditional needle biopsy

The traditional transrectal biopsy is called the «blind»; it is performed through the rectum. Because of the tissue is taken randomly, choosing the areas of the prostate in which cancer most often develops.

The advantages of fusion technology were clearly shown by a study of US National Institutes of Health. Fusion diagnostics was performed in 195 men who had an ordinary biopsy excluded prostate cancer. A tumor was found in 94 people, 12 of them had the third or fourth stage of the disease.

Computer helps to detected tumor foci

A fusion-biopsy differs from the traditional one in that a special computer program compares of the previously obtained magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with the image transrectal ultrasound (TRUS). The doctor sees in real time a picture of the operative field, supplemented by the possible foci of the disease which the ultrasound scan cannot show.

In addition to the high-definition 3D image with suspicious areas highlighted, electronics show directions for introducing biopsy needles to pick up the morphological material from the right places. Biopsy needles are inserted in the perineal area under spiral anesthesia.

Fusion-biopsy is preferred for minimally invasive operations

The fusion-biopsy clearly identifies the lesion of prostate cancer that makes it possible to perform the minimal invasive surgery and target precisely on the tumor without affecting non-malignant prostate tissue. Brachytherapy (exposure of radioactive seeds) and cryoablation (freezing the tumor to the state of the ice-ball) are the most common minimally invasive ablative techniques. After a fusion-biopsy, there is not need to freeze or irradiate the entire organ, we can affect exclusively on the tumor focus to within millimeters.

Cost of fusion- biopsy

Cost of fusion-biopsy through paid medical services is around 50 thousands rubles. It is less than in other foreign or domestic urological departments.

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