Dear Sir, Few weeks ago I obtained the diagnosis of prostate Adenocarcinoma (Gleason score 7, 3+4).

I am 56 years old.

PSA scanner (results from the last week) showed that carcinom is localised only in the prostate.

Robotic assisted laparascopic radical prostatectomy as the best option for my treatment is suggested.

Important additional fact is that I have a mesh implanted in my abdominal wall for almost ten years, as a result of the treatment of an umbilical hernia.

Please let me know is it possible to do above mentioned procedure (robotic assisted laparascopic radical prostatectomy) in my case safely in your clinic?

If yes, please could you let me know what would be the price of this treatment and the earliest possible term for that?


Dear Gojko. My name is Mikhail Enikeev. I am professor of our Univercity and the chief of Urological Department. Excuse me for the delay. I was on vacation.

I am used to using robotic surgeries myself, especially Anatomy Sparing Radical Prostatectomy (RPE). This technique implies sparing of all ligaments and fashies, that are located around the Prostate for early continence and good erectile rehabilitation. Its important for young mails.

I have performed RPE after the front abdominal wall reconstructions with meshes a few times. Honestly speeking, they were not challenging. And they are not more risky, then conventional RPE.

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