Effective treatment of the urethral stricture restores normal urination without risk of complications

Cheek mucosa is better than other possible materials suitable for replacing the narrowing of the urethra. "Patch" is well accustomed; the wound in the place of the material intake heals quickly and without a trace. Buccal mucosa urethroplasty is possible at any age patients.

Cheek mucosa is the best material for urethral expansion

In comparison with other grafts (the skin of the penis, scrotum, the wall of blood vessels or tissue from the ear region) the mucous membrane of the cheek is stronger, has the desired moisture and antibacterial properties.

Employment of special dilators (bougie) or endoscopic dissection with a cold knife does not provide the necessary quality of life for the patient. As a rule, after a month and a half, a stricture recurs. The area of the narrowing of the urethra coarsens, and in some cases increases.

The founder of the method, Professor Guido Barbali, taught our doctors the buccal mucosa urethroplasty.

Experienced doctors with surgical practice perform urethroplasty in the Department of Urology at Sechenov University for at least 10 years. The art is to pick up a section of the mucous suitable in size and quality, match it correctly, and sew jewelry into the urethra tissue for engraftment. High-quality microsurgical instrument and magnifying optics Carl Zeiss is used during the operation.

Two teams of surgeons work during operations on the plastic of the urinary canal

The first team takes a section of the mucous membrane of the cheek; the second one performs urethroplasty. It helps to reduce the time of the interaction of the graft with the external environment and to avoid the risk of purulent complications.

As a rule, buccal utretroplasty takes around two hours. The patient is under endotracheal anesthesia (breathing is supported with the artificial lung ventilation).

The buccal mucosa at the site of the material intake is sutured with a self-absorbable suture, which is invisible outwardly. In the urethra for the flow of urine, bypassing the healing zone, urethral catheter is installed. Drainage is removed after 28 days, when the graft has settled down.

At the end of the operation, the second insurance drainage is established in the healing zone. Through it flows wound discharge: mucus and blood residues. Insurance drainage is removed after two days., The second drainage is not used in cases of a bloodless operation.

Cost of treatment of the urethral stricture with buccal mucosa urethroplasty

We carry out the operation for Russian citizens free due to high-tech assistance channel. The cost of buccal mucosa urethroplasty through paid medical services, including non-Russian citizens, is around 120 - 195 thousands rubles.

Клиника урологии Фронштейна

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